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Throwing Sectional Forms – With an Emphasis on Technique and Design, Adamah Art Studios, Dodgeville, WI

  • Adamah Art Studios Dodgeville, WI USA (map)

Steven Hill Workshop, Adamah Art Studios, July 9-14, 2023

 Throwing Sectional Forms – With an Emphasis on Technique and Design

 As intermediate throwers hone their skills, they often have a desire to throw larger forms than they can make in 1 piece. In this workshop we will explore the technique of throwing 2 bowls and joining them rim to rim and stretching into a larger form. We will also explore stacking of leather hard forms.

 To effectively utilize these techniques, the prospective student should be able to consistently throw 3-4 lb. pieces on center. Relative precision helps immensely when joining 2 wet pieces and continuing to throw.

 As we are throwing larger pots, we will explore ways to make our forms breathe – pots that preserve the plasticity of wet clay, even after they are fired.

 While demonstrating, I will discuss design and how it relates to what we are making. We will cover the relationships between rims, feet, bellies, handles, and spouts and talk about how the use of simple or compound curves impact our forms.


This workshop will be structured for the potter with basic throwing skills who would like to expand the scale of their work. Most of the forms we make will be vases, pitchers, or jars. Korean Moon Jars will be used as a point of inspiration. We will also throw some smaller studies for expanding into larger forms.

 If you would like to follow through with glazing and firing the pottery you make, you should consider signing up for “Atmospheric Effects for Electric Firing,” July 16-21. We will fire both electric and gas kilns to ^8.

 Preparing for the workshop – Items to bring with you.

  1. Bring all throwing and trimming tools you want to work with. Specific tools I suggest are:

    1. Kemper S4 Stainless Steel Scrapper – This is essential and their similar shape, S3, doesn’t cut it for this class!

    2. Kemper RB6 and RB5 wooden potters’ ribs. For stretching pots from the inside.

    3. A caliper for measuring diameter.

    4. Mud Tool ribs if you like using them

    5. A chamois for use on rims

  2. Plastic wrap for covering pots. Large pieces and as thin as possible.

  3. We will be using Paoli Grolleg English Porcelain and/or a B-Mix alternative for this class. If you would like to use another clay you are welcome to bring it.